
Areas of practise

Family law

We have always maintained a department for family law because this area can affect anyone existentially and also have serious consequences on personal assets.

Our advice and assistance in family matters relates to the future security of married couples and persons living in common-law partnerships, as well as to the safeguarding of the rights of our clients in disputes in and out of court, with due regard of course to constantly changing jurisdiction and legislation.

We therefore focus on:

  • Negotiating and drafting prenuptial agreements and contracts involving common-law partnerships (often in connection with rules regarding inheritance and succession);
  • Settlements resulting from separations and divorce;
  • Representation in court involving separation and divorce proceedings and the ancillary proceedings (alimony, asset disputes, household and personal effects, custody and determination of place of residence for joint children);
  • Safeguarding interests and arranging settlements in proceedings involving common-law relationships.
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